♥ Welcome Home ♥

Welcome to my slice of the internet!

This is an archived page that was up for one day and taken down 7/19/2020.

Hi! I don't know how you got here, but I'm glad you made it. My name is Gabe. You might know me as @gabetheeboy from Instagram. This website is still under construction and I don't know entirely what I want to do with it yet (so you should check back for future updates since I am still working on it as of August 19 2020), but I recently picked up learning html again after deciding I wanted a different kind of place to put content other than social media (more on this later), and I remembered this site. I was going to start out with a website called The Liminal Space where I would post pictures I found of "liminal spaces", which for these purposes is basically an area that is usually full of people, but is empty, and it looks kinda creepy and melancholy. Anyways. It's pretty important imo to note that this site probably wont look the best on mobile, so don't get mad at me for that.

I have a few plans for this site. On the writing tab I will post general updates on the books I am writing, things like word count and what draft I'm working on on the manuscript. I am currently writing one book, with another put on hold indefinitely (I plan on redoing the story once my writing skills have improved but right now it's bad). On the photography tab I will post the full resolution of the pics I post on instagram, so people can see them in greater detail if they want because Instagram's compression algorithim messes up the sharpness :(. Dashboard will be more creative and dynamic than this portion of the site. It will be less formal and show a less restrained version of my personality (what's the purpose of making a personal site if you don't get to express yourself!?). I'll have things like a meme page, a bunch of those button things everyone has (idk what they are I just think they look cool!), articles I'll write on interesting things I learn, what music I've been listening to (I just found a great song called Healing by Computer Data, you should give it a listen), maybe updates on how my houseplants are doing, and maybe some experiments in web design. I don't know. I just think it will be a fun time! :) And finally, the questions tab will be for questions I have about the universe. They won't be entirely serious, but they're things I either can't find on the internet or I haven't looked up yet.

A few of you might be wondering why I chose Neocities. Actually, probably none of you. But if you still want to know why, I chose this site for 4 reasons.

  1. It's free!
  2. I like the aesthetic.
  3. You have to make everything yourself!
  4. The community seems pretty cool!

1. I'm sure there are other free website platforms. But this is the only one I know of where certain features aren't hidden behind a paywall. With Neocities, it's not just free financially. It's free in that you can literally do anything you want, with relative ease!

2. This one I don't have much justification for. I'm not even old enough for this style to be nostalgic to me. I just think it looks cool! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

3. I swear im not a masochist. I just think there's something so cool about coding every line by hand (or copy/pasting it o-o). It just feels so tactile. Plus when you put in all the hard work and it ends up exactly how you want it to, it's extremely gratifying. If you've made a site like this you probably know what I mean.

4. I don't have much to say about yall's character. But I think it's really cool that there are so many sites on here that are lovingly coded by hand. It's like a whole new work of art lies behind every link. It's so fun to just browse and see everyone's unbridled creativity!